Covenant Church Furniture

Archive for July 2013

For many Christian denominations, the word “church” refers not only to the congregation, but also to the buildings that congregations gather in. More universally, the entire communion of Christians (known as the body of Christ) is often collectively referred to as “the church”.

Places of worship are built so that the congregation can gather in one place in God’s name. In these houses of worship, the congregation will not just praise God and hear his Word, but also interact with other believers and learn Christian charity.

Some congregations may be affluent enough or influential enough to enable the construction of magnificent houses of worship, such as cathedrals and grand churches. Ornate structures inspire awe in worshipers, and in the past, stained glass windows, icons, murals, and other visual elements were added to increase this sense of transcendent awe.

Regardless of how basic or elaborate a place of worship is, most congregations agree that church seating should be comfortable enough to ensure that all congregants can partake in the communal activities with ease. These days, church furniture and seating can be ordered online, with many websites providing customized sizes and options for congregations to choose from.

Designs can be specified right down to the material and upholstery; as well as the shape, size, and finishing details. This way, congregations can choose the church furniture and seating that suits their activities.

Wooden furniture holds a timeless appeal in its earthy colors and understated natural beauty; it is no wonder that it’s been around for centuries. In time, however, the beauty of wood fades because of sun damage or stains. Before you think about sending your wooden furniture to the giant storeroom in the sky, consider having it refinished by a professional. 

Refinishing is the process of adding a new finish to furniture in order to restore its original beauty; a process that can be messy if you decide to take on the project yourself. To prepare for a good refinish, you’ll need to apply chemical strippers in order to get rid of the paint and other finishings, followed by sanding to smoothen the surface. This is a bigger challenge if you are planning on refinishing a church pew. Bear in mind, however, that the results won’t always turn out the way you had envisioned. 

Companies that specialize in refinishing have the right tools to speed up the entire process and, more importantly, the right methods so the outcome is more consistent. Just make sure that the company is reputable and has excellent references. Your tired-looking furniture can look brand new once again in the hands of a capable refinishing company.

The ancient philosophical school of Stoicism got its name from the Stoa Poikile (“Painted Porch”) in the Agora of Athens, where its members occasionally traded discourses. Who would’ve thought that the school’s choice of seating eventually defined it and was later turned coined into the English word, “stoic”? In any teaching establishment, seats are necessary so that learners can focus on their studies without having to worry about comfort.

The church is a place of learning; it’s a place where the faithful may gather to understand God’s will. Naturally, seating is a must so that devotees won’t be left standing and uncomfortable. Wooden pews are the seats of choice for churches everywhere, since they provide just enough comfort for celebrants to sit on without making them feel too complacent. No pastor would want to catch his flock fast asleep, so a decent seat must suffice.

While warm to look at and decent as far as seating goes, wooden pews are also hard to maintain due to their distinctly varnished surface. Repeated use, as well as damage from natural elements can seriously mar their beauty and durability. Thus, they should be maintained every so often and immediately repaired as soon as any flaw is detected.

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At Covenant Church Furniture, we craft only the finest solid wood furniture. We stand behind our product 100% in quality and craftsmanship. Our computerized design technology allows us to custom build your furniture to meet your specifications. You won’t find veneers, laminates or edge banding in our high quality church furniture.Visit for more details.

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