Covenant Church Furniture

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One of the many details that make Christian churches timeless are the pews that line their length. This is most prominent in the great ancient cathedrals whose designs are still integrated even into today’s many sturdy church pews for sale. Just what is it about this seat that makes it stand out among almost all types of furniture, ancient and modern alike?


One of the most integral parts of a church pew is the kneeler, an attachment that allows worshipers to kneel whenever their prayer or religious celebration calls for it. Many pews have kneelers that are kept fixed in place, while others can be pulled up and retracted when needed. Moreover, there are traditional kneelers that are bare wood (or whatever material the pew is made of), and there are others that have cushions on them.

“Early Christian churches did not have pews; instead, people only stood and were allowed to walk around and socialize with other church goers. Church pews were first introduced in the 13th century, however, it was only after the Protestant Reformation in 1517 when church services began to concentrate on the sermon rather than on interaction among church members. This is why church pews were popularized as part of church architecture and replaced stone seats with wooden benches.

A article published last August 26 discussed a local church buying an old movie theater (formerly the Carmike Cinema) and planning to hold services there once renovations are completed. According to Philip Lehman, lead pastor for Discover Point Church, the former theater is still in need of renovations, although the exterior will reportedly end up as the “prettiest part of the building.” Nevertheless, as no church’s interior should ever be neglected, pastors make the rounds of suppliers wi

A church is where people go to pray, reflect, and worship. These activities are most effectively done in a solemn and inviting church environment. Aside from the ceremonies, many other factors such as church design and furniture influence the people’s behavior and response inside the church. Here are some of the common reasons why a church should have the right furniture.

Anything that causes a person to feel uncomfortable leads to distraction, one thing every church leader want to avoid during a mass or service. Providing a well-designed set of chairs for the attendees will definitely prevent this from happening. The ideal chairs are those with tight and fully-upholstered pews. Sitting on such a soft surface would keep attendees focused throughout their stay.

 Many churches became popular for having unique and stunning furniture pieces. Aside from encouraging regular attendees to keep coming, people from various places across the country will be enticed to visit. There are a lot of churches that have already made it to various lists of most famous tourist destinations.

Some church furniture are so poorly designed that they pose health threats. For instance, chairs that are not design with ergonomic considerations can cause people to experience back pains after sitting for hours. It is crucial for every church designer to choose chairs that are comfortable to sit on.

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At Covenant Church Furniture, we craft only the finest solid wood furniture. We stand behind our product 100% in quality and craftsmanship. Our computerized design technology allows us to custom build your furniture to meet your specifications. You won’t find veneers, laminates or edge banding in our high quality church furniture.Visit for more details.

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